The best results come from consultants and clients balancing one another. We deliver an outside perspective and broad experience that complement your knowledge of your company's inner workings.

Can we help you with?

  • Communication audits[+]
    Do you know if you're getting your message across? If anyone's reading your materials? If you're reaching all audiences and tapping preferred communication channels? We can help you answer all of these questions and then some. Our communication audit digs into your communication strategy, your health and wellness program, and your physical environment, confirming what's working and identifying the gaps that'll trip you up.

    [Case study]

  • Communication strategy[+]
    Empowering employees to take charge of their health. Getting leaders and day-to-day managers on board to support your goals. Helping employees choose the best benefits. This doesn't just happen. It takes careful, advance planning.

    [Case study]
    [Case study]

  • Writing [+]
    Is content king? Good writing certainly is. Without it, you're sunk, because nobody's going to stick around long enough to hear what you have to say—whether online, in person, by email or print. Our communications will speak directly to what you need employees to know and what they want to hear in a way that they can hear it. No spin. Just straight-up rationale so employees appreciate the logic and get on board.
  • Web content and design [+]
    Employees are looking to you for health information—74% of them, according to one study. We'll help you create or improve your wellness portal so that your information's organized the way people, not vendors, think about it. We'll also make sure it's out from behind lock and key, accessible by employees and families no matter where they are or what device they're using.

    [Case study]

  • Social media [+]
    Take your effort social. I'll give you 5 good reasons to do so and 20 ideas, too. Whether it's a wellness blog, a condition- or activity-related forum, or a Twitter or YouTube account, we can help you think through, design and launch a social media strategy that lets you reach, talk with and listen to your employees and their families.

    [Case study]
    [Case study]

  • Measurement [+]
    Know whether you're on track. Direct your limited budget. Build buy-in early. Listening to employees through surveys, focus groups and other methods delivers the insights you need to achieve your objectives.

    [Case study]

*Oatmeal chocolate chip, if you're thinking of sending us some.